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THE OFFICIAL Earth Chevette Record page !

This page is devoted to a compilation of Chevette records, submitted by people who have actually accomplished what they claim. Hopefully. We want to list fastest, slowest, lightest, tallest, smallest, most MPG, worst MPG, everything. Please submit your offering, and hopefully you'll make the Record Page ! Remember, records are made to be broken. No sense getting hurt trying to base dive your Chevette just to get into The Official Earth Chevette Record page ! You're expendable, but the Chevette does cost money.

        _________________________        IMPORTANT NOTICE !      ___________________________

Keep in mind one thing: When you are elected to the Records Page, a team of inspectors from the Official Earth Chevette Record Page Weights and Measures Official Inspection Team, otherwise known as the Official Earth Chevette Record Page Weights and Measures Official Inspection Team will arrive at your location for inspection and verification. Please have your Chevette completely disassembled, and ready for inspection.

Also, have your records clearly organized and ready for verification. Your math will be checked, and you will be graded on the results.

You may be asked to assemble your Chevette, and perform your record breaking thrill while being recorded by the Official Chevette Record Page Weights and Measures Official Inspection Team. You may also be required to have your Chevette tested on a closed course by an Official Chevette Record Page Weights and Measures Official Inspection Team Member. A video of this event will be available, even if the Chevette does survive the experience.

Those of you claiming Top Speed honors, be prepared to explain HOW you measured your speed, since Chevette speedometers are limited in their capacity to record such breathtaking numbers, and those of you with automatic transmissions, please take into account torque converter slippage when using conversion charts to figure top speed via RPM/Tire size/ etc. You can find a conversion chart on this webpage for purposes of top speed measurement. ( I didn't want to make it too easy.... )

An actual speeding ticket will be accepted as proof of a top speed run. Sorry, we can't reimburse you for your efforts, nor pay your high risk insurance after the event.

It is the intention of the Official Chevette Record Page Weights and Measures Official Inspection Team to only post accurate records, and verify if possible. If it is not possible to verify submitted records, they may be posted anyway. But your Chevette will still have to be completely dis-assembled.

( The Official Chevette Record Page Weights and Measures Official Inspection Team is not responsible for re-assembly of Chevette's being inspected. )

Please note that at this time the Official Earth Chevette Record Page is only available to Chevette's that are actually on Earth. Any submissions from Chevette owners from other planets, Universes, Galaxies, etc. cannot be accepted at this time, however, should submissions and entries become numerous enough, I will start a separate non-Earth Division, denoting offworld Records as well as Earth records. Because of the wide variances between Earth like environments, and other planets, it will be impossible to compare Earth Chevette's vs other World Chevette's. Every effort will be made to list potential differences whenever possible. In other words, the famous "jumping" Chevette's of the planet Klaxxon should not be compared to the street jumping Chevette's of Los Angeles Earth.

Good luck !

You are welcome to submit a picture of your Chevette, but it had better be smaller than 50k. The next person who sends me a 6 meg picture had better start watching behind them for a hit squad !

Worlds Fastest Chevette, (manual )  basically stock Alex Quirk  123 MPH  ( behind a tractor trailer, flat ground, in the desert)
Worlds Fastest Chevette, ( automatic) basically stock Dominic Labelle      110MPH
Worlds Slowest Chevette, ¼ mile bobwatts  1981 Diesel Chevette automatic
( time unknown, trust me)
Worlds Best fuel mileage Chevette (gasoline) (standard) Alex Quirk    50.2 MPG
Worlds Best fuel mileage Chevette ( gasoline ) ( automatic ) Dr. Sean Lougheed's brother.  42.24 MPG !
Worlds Best fuel mileage Chevette  ( Diesel ) Various reports over 50 MPG, some as high as 55MPG !
Worlds Best fuel mileage Chevette overall Various reports over 50MPG
Worlds Worst fuel mileage Chevette (gasoline) Tim Schell        9.75MPG city,   17.43MPG  highway
Worlds Most miles on a Chevette Chad Pickhinke        399,973 miles
Worlds Narrowest Chevette Thin Vette'
Worlds Tallest Chevette Bigfoot Chevette
Worlds Goofiest Chevette The one with stuff stuck all over it. Look for it on the internet somewhere. I can't post a
Worlds Safest Chevette Formerly belonged to Jason. It saved Jason's life during a brief encounter with a train.
Worlds " Most dis-assembled, but still driveable" Chevette What's left ?
Worlds Longest Trip in a Chevette Perry Pillard  3500 miles!( July 2002 ) In the SVO 'vet
