Chevette vs.  TRAIN !!

(Train wins)

Below is the sad story of what happened to Jason during his encounter with a very rude train on the way to work one morning. It seems that unlike the Cadillac Escalade commercial on TV ( where the two trains are waiting for the Caddy SUV to cross ! ), Chevette's get no respect, and are battered about with no regard for human safety, or even worse, the health of the Chevette !

Personally, I'm convinced the train was envious, and reached out and grabbed the Chevette, then tried to beat it into submission. But the tough little Chevette resolved to save it's owner life, and give it's own life in this endeavor. I'm sure that somewhere on Earth there are a pack of renegade Chevette's planning on retaliation, and I look forward to reading in the paper someday about a mysterious "train accident" involving an unharmed Chevy Chevette that was somehow "involved", sitting serenely off to the side basking in the destruction.  J

A news crew on the scene was convinced they heard "chanting" coming from the Chevette. Something like:

"We don't get mad, we get even.................. "

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From Jason:

I was on my way to work, and I was stopped as the train went by, the brakes didn't quite hold up and I wasn't paying enough attention to prevent what was happening and the car rolled into the train crushing the front end and spinning the car sideways. The train then proceeded to smash up the whole drivers side. I just about lost me head... literally.

I realize I'm really lucky just to be alive. I could have been severely traumatized by it and never drive again, but I look at it a differently. It showed me just how little I've done in my 22 years, and how much I have to live for. So I decided to start living better and seizing every moment.

A fire truck showed up and checked me over, making sure I was okay. As for the police, I told them how it all happened, and the investigating officer was very kind and decided that there wouldn't be any charges laid. If the train company decides to press charges for damaging their precious box cars, well, that's a different story and I'll find out about that if it happens.

The thing that surprised me that most about it all, as that after the police took the pictures, to get the car back on the road, we started it up (it turned over immediately, not even any cranking) AND THEN IT WAS DRIVEN, 3-POINT TURN AND ALL, BACK ONTO THE ROAD!!!!. A testament to GM engineering. or luck, one of the 2.

I wasn't thinking right though, I should have had them tow it to my place so I could harvest the engine and tranny (perfect running order and just passed emissions in October) and the brand new alternator, and the brand new catalytic converter, brand new EGR, fuel pump and many more. I could have sold that stuff or used it in a donor vette.

Instead, I let them tow it to their yard, then came by later that day, gutted my stuff from the interior and sold it to them for scrap. Under insistence from my parents. Needless to say I was shaken up and not thinking correctly when I did all this.

So that's my story, my first car under my own name, my first accident/infraction of any sort in 6 years of driving. And most likely the worst day of my life to date. But I survived it all and have much better lookout on things now.   Jason

( a small amount of editing and spelling correction occurred during the production of this page.  Ed. )

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