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Information for Chevette Racers !

4:11 gears !  Click here !

I have been doing Chevette racing carbs since 2000 now, very successfully I might add. I will soon have done over 50 carbs, mostly for the circle track racers. But still, I'm having trouble "communicating" to the hundreds of Chevette racers out there !

It seems that whenever I do a carb for someone, they usually don't tell anyone else !  I can understand secrecy, and wanting an advantage over someone, but frankly, I'm doing these carbs for two main reasons. To make money of course, but also of importance is my desire to reach as many people involved with Chevette's as possible to find the parts and cars I'm looking for !

The people racing Chevette's usually throw away parts that me or someone else can use ! Most of you may be unaware of this. Those door panels, rear wipers, pulse wiper mechanisms, tilt columns, and other pieces are sought by people who are fixing up Chevette's. In my case, I have items I'm looking for here, but it's basically the items I just mentioned, and of course Diesel Chevette's and parts. I'm always looking for that real nice Diesel Chevette that can be driven home ! Now before a lot of you get your hopes up, keep in mind that these parts aren't worth a fortune, but at least since your throwing the stuff away, you would probably be grateful to get something for them I'm sure !

In my case, I would be willing to trade carburetor work for parts I CAN USE. I occasionally seem to disappoint someone who has something that I'm not looking for. In other words, I'm not going to do a $149 carb job for a door panel. Sorry. As a matter of fact, I have traded two carb jobs for one of my Diesel Cars, which was a good deal for both parties.

So for those of you who are finding this website for the first time, contact me if you are racing a Chevette, and especially if you know of some Chevette parts that I might be looking for. Just send me an email, and let's discuss the matter anyway. I may know of someone looking for something that you have if I can't use it.

Also, even if you want your special Watts Racing Chevette carb to be secret, at least let someone else know that may have Chevette parts others are looking for about my website. I won't tell them about you. I promise.

I know that there are a lot of you out there, especially in southern Kentucky, northern Tennessee, and I look forward to hearing from you. We can help each other !

( read this unsolicited cool dyno test result testimonial ! )


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