Chad Pickhinke has been looking for a Diesel Chevette most of his adult life, and recently got the rare opportunity to drive one. After regaling me with his experience, I asked him to calm down ( if possible ), and pen a short story about his adventure. Below is the result:.

 reardievet.jpg (28743 bytes) Rear view of a rare 1982 Diesel Chevette !


Driving the Diesel Chevette, by Chad Pickhinke


                Driving the Diesel Chevette was quite a thrilling experience to have. There is nothing like driving the little Diesel Chevette!

I got an e-mail from a guy in Virginia saying he has a diesel Chevette. Stated it needs attention on the 5th gear, otherwise in good shape. I replied by asking for the details. The color is a light blue, factory stripes and a few options such as sport mirrors on both sides. On Tuesday morning, I head out to Virginia, which is approximately 70 miles from where I live. Upon arriving, I see the Chevette gleaming at me. It had chrome everywhere. Wow, such chrome! I thought. Knocking on the door with a huge grin on my face, thrilled to see a real Diesel Chevette sitting 5 feet away from me. The door opened, and an aging man went “Hello” I scribbled on a piece of paper saying, “I’m here for the Diesel Chevette” He nodded and said “Hold on”, the owner came back with the set of the keys that belongs to the Diesel Chevette. He spoke “Want to drive” I said in a glorious yet perky voice: YEAH, MAN! He let a chuckle out and handed me the keys. I take it in my hand, walking to the door. Inserting the oval key to open the door, feeling the lock popping to indicate the door has been unlocked. Grabbed the handle and get in the hot vinyl seat. The interior’s fumes of diesel chemicals welcomed me.

                I turned the square key to “RUN” position and watch for the “WAIT” lamp. It goes out briefly. Excited, I popped the clutch pedal and turn the ignition………each cylinder was turning one by one, exploding air. From slow rumbling wake to an instant rattle running, the diesel shook itself at idle in a good manner. I wait for a few good seconds to feel its incredible rumble and rattle.

                I push the clutch pedal and shifted the transmission into first gear. Released the clutch and stepped on gas, engine cut off…I thought to myself more gas this time. Second try, mashed the throttle 7/8 way and away we go! Moving slowly at an exploring the scenery rate. Shifted into second smoothly, again hammering the throttle to 7/8 throttle. Another thought appeared. Diesel owners were always saying diesels were hell on hills. Figured out this. Left it in second. Floored it as I was going uphill…engine rattles, rattles, and rattled. Got to the top and grinned…we beat the hill, Mr. Diesel!  YeeHaw!  Shifted into third as soon as I was going downhill, engine ran better. Going up to 35MPH…40MPH…engine and transmission were comfortable going at this rate. Shifted into 4th. Went up to 45MPH, my maximum MPH of this time. I cruised down a country road with the wonderful diesel rattling along the roads of Virginia…Onlookers were in awe as we passed them by…It is a rare event to hear a Diesel engine under a Chevette moving along with traffic.

                We were satisfied with the trip, and decided to turn back to its owner’s location. Pulled into a parking lot, shifted into the reverse then first, and away we go again in an exploring the scenery rate. Second! Third! Uh-oh…it’s that damn hill again! Maybe I’ll try this time going in third gear. I again floored, engine picked up power with a lot of room to zoom. Up…up…up…down! YeeHaw! We did it again, Mr. Diesel! Pulled into its original location.

                As soon as I turn off the key…the diesel shut down by each cylinder…rocking the Chevette as it deceases into sleep.


As you can tell, Chad was quite thrilled with his little adventure, and will probably never forget what it was like to drive one of the World's Rarest Collector Cars
