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Background Information Concerning the OHIO VALLEY GTO ASSOCIATION

The OHIO VALLEY GTO ASSOCIATION [OVGTO-A] was formed in 1988. It began with a few GTO enthusiasts who understood a need for an auto club in the greater Cincinnati area focused on the car that began the muscle car "legend" of the mid-1960’s and 1970’s.

The OHIO VALLEY GTO ASSOCIATION is dedicated to the preservation, restoration and enjoyment of all Pontiac models of the GTO vintage and earlier. Objectives of the OVGTO-A include expanding community interest & awareness in automotive club activities, promotion of social activity among its members as well as promotion of cooperation in preservation and restoration activities.

This Not-For-Profit organization has grown to a membership of approximately 50-60 members. As various members have moved from the Cincinnati area, new members continue to join and the club’s size has stayed relatively constant since 1994. The membership includes persons from south-west Ohio, south-east Indiana, and northern Kentucky.

The diverse membership includes an age range of members in their early 20’s to automotive hobbyists in their 60’s. The life’s work of the members is similarly diverse. Included in the OVGTO-A membership are blue collar, white collar, professional people and owners of their own businesses. This diversity provides a wide collective knowledge and skill varieties for club activities. The cars owned by the membership likewise are diverse. Some members are looking to purchase a GTO or Pontiac of the 60’s-70’s vintage; some members have cars "under construction", others have daily drivers of this vintage. Some drive their cars on weekends only or just to car shows. Several other members’ cars are competitive at local car shows and a few are competitive at national shows. Even fewer are the national show winning cars owned by club members. In addition, as might be expected, some of the members own other vintage or collectable autos as well as their Pontiacs.

The OHIO VALLEY GTO ASSOCIATION works to maintain a chapter membership in the national GTO ASSOCIATION of AMERICAN and encourages its members to also be member of that national organization.


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