Chevette throw out bearing fork modifications.
By Ed Werick



I've been hearing on the forum, about a problem with throwout forks bending after installing a HD clutch. I'm in the process of installing my T-5 trans (I finally got a bellhousing!) So I thought I'd try to fix the problem. I'm using a stock clutch right now, but it won't last forever and when I replace it I'll put in a heavy duty clutch. I recently became aware that there was a problem (I'm still learning about Chevettes) so I thought I'd tackle it now for myself and the other guys who may need a solution. Basically what I did was "box" the fork with 1/8" plate. It looks to me like the weak spot is right where the bearing rides. The fork could easily bend and spread in that spot. The only problem that I encountered during trial fit was the fork could not be pulled sideways enough to clear the ball stud in the bell. I made the hole in the plate just big enough for the bearing retainer tube to fit through. It's not that big a deal- all I had to do was remove the ball stud from the bellhousing , snap it on the fork and thread it back in. Check out the attatched pics and let me know what you think.      Ed

tofork1.jpg (16342 bytes)
tofork2.jpg (14688 bytes)

I thinks it neat !  ( bob )
