1982 Chevette brochure pictures and information

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Check out that ultra fancy interior !! Anyone have one of these ? I would love to have some more pictures, and find some of these interior pieces for myself. I have these seats in my Diesel car in maroon, but I don't have those fancy door panels.

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Note the lady with the Diesel fuel hose.This is obviously her first time to the Diesel pump, and she is asking  the attendent where to put the fuel in. From her "pose", one can only assume that she was about to spray the front of the vehicle, and hope that the fuel soaked in somewhere. As the fuel inlet is in the rear, I have no idea why the picture was shot this way. Also, note "Mercury" sitting in the passenger seat. These cars are so fast, even Mercury himself  would rather ride. Either that, or the kid is wearing a crash helmut, probably once again because of the awesome speed potential of these cars !

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Children were optional equipment in the 1982 Chevrolet Chevette.

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Cool rear defroster, rear wiper, clock, and tilt wheel !

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The 1982 Chevette Scooter thing. Tennis player option.

