Diesel Chevette's Loose in Ohio !!

( I tried to keep the picture size small to reduce load time. )

As unbelieveable as it may sound, here are three Diesel Chevette's in the same spot at the same time !

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Above is my car in the background, and in the foreground is a 1982 Diesel Chevette 4dr 5spd car in pretty good condition. It has 121,000 original miles. Blue interior also.

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Nice side view of one of the Worlds Rarest Collector Cars !

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If you look REAL close, you will see both cars have trailer hitches ! What Powerhouses !! I wish I had thought to start them both up at the same time !

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Front view of two Diesel engined Monster Chevette's !!

Oh, the third Diesel Chevette ?  A shame, it is now a junker, but this is in the back yard:

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Look closely, and you can see the Diesel emblem above the license plate. No trailer hitch.

And within a couple of miles of these three cars, is a fourth !!  :

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1982 Diesel Chevette, not in very good conditon, with a busted flexplate. This car is at a transmission shop, and has been sitting for quite some time, because the owner can't find a flexplate. This nice gentleman told me about the other two cars that were just a couple of miles away in Lebanon Ohio, not too far from Loveland Ohio. Unfortunately, I can't divulge the exact locations of these vehicles, as the owners don't want crowds of marauding tourists terrorizing the neighborhoods !
